CBD and pregnancy: is it advisable?

CBD and pregnancy: is it advisable?

If you're pregnant or breastfeeding, you're wondering, can I take CBD? While it's a legitimate question to ask, especially as the benefits of CBD are so tempting, I have to tell you the truth: I don't recommend it. CBD and pregnancy, contraindications, I'll tell you everything.

The benefits of CBD oil

Relaxation and relaxation are among the potential benefits and virtues of CBD oil. But it is also said to have anti-stress, analgesic and pain-relieving potential. CBD oil can be taken as an infusion, diluted in milk or honey, or sublingually, directly under the tongue for rapid action. You can take it in the morning, before going to bed...

In short, easy to use on a daily basis, a true wellness ally, CBD oil is attracting many consumers thanks to its promising benefits. But is it suitable for use during pregnancy?

Pregnancy, a special time

The most common ailments of pregnancy

Pregnancy is a unique period that can be a source of discomfort to varying degrees. Every woman and every pregnancy is different, of course, but certain ailments are common, such as nausea, vomiting (especially in early pregnancy), fatigue, aches and pains... Emotional elevators caused by hormones can also be difficult to cope with. So it's natural to look for ways to relieve these aches and pains.

CBD and pregnancy

As you know, CBD is a cannabinoid known to relieve pain, soothe the mind, and fight stress and anxiety. If you're pregnant, and prone to many of the above embarrassments, perhaps you've thought about taking CBD. And you're wondering: would a little herbal tea do any harm? Will it interfere with my baby's development?

CBD use not recommended during pregnancy

CBD is not recommended during pregnancy. In any form whatsoever. Same thing if you're breast-feeding, no CBD. Even if it's tempting to turn to CBD when suffering from certain pains and discomforts while pregnant, you should avoid it. You can discuss this with your doctor or midwife, who will be able to suggest other ways of relieving your pain.


Malgré ses bienfaits, la molécule de CBD pourrait entraîner des risques sur le développement du fœtus. D’après une étude conduite sur des souris, le THC inhiberait le développement des embryons. D’ailleurs, certains chercheurs considèrent le THC comme une neurotoxine développementale : cela serait donc dangereux de mettre en contact cette substance, qui demeure en faible quantité dans les produits au CBD (< 0.3 %), avec un embryon ou un fœtus.

CBD and post-pregnancy

While I don't recommend using CBD during pregnancy, I can encourage you to look ahead to the post-pregnancy period. All you have to do is wait patiently until the end of the 9 months, and possibly breastfeeding, to consume CBD. You'll see, it goes by quickly.

With this in mind, while you're pregnant, you can take the opportunity to learn new things about CBD, find out about the different ways of using it, discover new recipes... And why not order some now, toanticipate the post-delivery period .

You may need to relax and unwind once baby arrives... CBD can bring you its benefits then, and without risk. You'll enjoy soothing infusions, if you choose CBD powder or flowers. Or opt for CBD capsules in your busy daily routine. If you prefer, you can also use CBD oil, preferably starting with low doses. And don't forget, no CBD while breast-feeding.

At Mama Kana, you'll find CBD in all its forms... Take advantage of these months of waiting, when baby's warm, to stroll through the sections of the online boutique. You're sure to find something to suit your post-pregnancy needs. The potential benefits of CBD are yours for the foreseeable future!

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