THC-free CBD products are of interest in a variety of situations. They can be useful for people who are regularly screened, also in cases of heavy cannabis dependence or mental disorders. Mama tells you all about THC-free CBD products.
CBD without THC: a molecular story
Commercially available CBD products are all about the molecule, rate and concentration of cannabinoids. The CBD plant contains over 150 different cannabinoids, all of which work together to produce the effects expected of the hemp plant. Each cannabinoid has its own specificities and more or less beneficial actions on the body.
If weCBD and THC which are both cannabinoids from the hemp plant, they share many similarities, not least the relaxing effect. However, THC is also renowned for its psychoactive effects on the brain. CBN, on the other hand, is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid with benefits for sleep quality.
It is therefore perfectly possible to exclude the THC molecule in CBD products and still enjoy the benefits of this plant. This is known as CBD isolate, and is composed exclusively of 99.9% pure cannabidiol (CBD). Then there's Broad Spectrum, which contains all the cannabinoids except THC.
Several extraction methods can be used to obtain CBD in the form of isolate or broad spectrum CBD oil:
- supercritical CO2 extraction (despite its twisted name, this is a natural method that uses no chemicals);
- ethanol extraction;
- and oil extraction.
Benefits of THC-free CBD
It eliminates the undesirable effects of THCbecause some people are sensitive to this cannabinoid and its psychotropic effects, even in small quantities. Even the legal level of 0.3% THC in over-the-counter products can sometimes have far too powerful an effect on some people.
It helps control cannabis addictionUnlike THC, CBD is not addictive. What's more, consuming THC-free CBD products helps reduce the cravings and addictions that develop at the level of chemical exchanges in the brain. THC-free CBD products can help overcome addiction.
It is thought to contribute to mental well-being, because CBD is known to contain no psychotropic substances, unlike THC. Both CBD and THC have relaxation benefits, but they don't work in the same way in the brain. And even a tiny amount of THC can be enough to psychologically disturb some users.
In short, opting for THC-free CBD allows you to enjoy the benefits of cannabis without the risks associated with THC's psychotropic and addictive effects.
THC-free CBD for what type of consumer?
THC-free CBD may be an excellent solution for different types of consumer. People who are regularly drug-tested, such as athletes or professionals whose jobs involve driving or significant responsibility, may find a way to relax with THC-free CBD products.
On the subject of driving and saliva testing, it's not uncommon to see so-called false-positive tests detecting traces of THC in an individual's saliva. Indeed, people who consume CBD with 0.3% THC on a regular basis may test positive for tetrahydrocannabinol. By law, it will be possible to request verification by blood test. However, you should bear in mind that full-spectrum CBD can strongly influence tests.
CBD saint THC products will also benefit people with psychological disorders or problems such as schizophrenia or bipolarity.
THC-free CBD products can therefore be excellent solutions for improving well-being and relaxation, adapting to various consumer profiles.