How to make a CBD flower infusion? Mama's homemade recipe

How to make a CBD flower infusion? Mama's homemade recipe

Contrary to popular belief, CBD flowers are not necessarily intended for smoking. In fact, inhalation remains an extremely dangerous practice for your health. If you prefer to enjoy your flowers in other ways, there's a solution for you. In this article, I'll explain how to prepare a delicious infusion of CBD flower!

Why use CBD flowers in your infusions?

As mentioned in my preamble, inhaling CBD flowers is a dangerous practice for your health, just like smoking. CBD herbal tea lets you take advantage of the natural properties of cannabidiol, while avoiding carcinogenic combustion and the harmful substances associated with it. The effects of flowers take longer to be felt, but last longer. Infusion is also a gourmet way to consume CBD!

Among the potential benefits sought from CBD infusion, it is said to soothe pain, ease digestion, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve the quality and duration of sleep. The anti-inflammatory properties of cannabidiol may also help relieve symptoms associated with certain illnesses.

How much CBD flower do you need to make an infusion?

You don't necessarily need to use a large quantity of CBD flowers to make an infusion. I estimate that 0.2 or 0.3 grams of CBD is enough for a single cup. Of course, it also depends on the cannabidiol concentration and the quality of the flowers infused.

Why add a fatty substance to your CBD flower infusion?

Cannabidiol is a fat-soluble molecule, which means it doesn't mix with water, but rather with fats and oils. It is therefore necessary to use a fatty substance in your CBD flower infusion. This is the only way you'll be able to take full advantage of the potential benefits of your flowers. For my part, I prefer three fats: milk, coconut oil and honey. Of course, you're free to choose another fat!

Preparing your CBD flower infusion

To make a CBD flower infusion, you only need three ingredients:

  • flower extracts,
  • boiling water,
  • a fatty substance.

For this last ingredient, you can choose between honey, milk, butter, cream or coconut oil. Once you've gathered your ingredients, all you need is a few minutes to prepare this delicious infusion.

  1. First, bring a liter of water to the boil in a saucepan.
  2. Once this first step has been completed, you can add the fat of your choice to the boiling water.
  3. Then it's time to crumble your CBD flowers, preferably in a tea strainer.
  4. Leave to infuse for at least 20 minutes and you're done!

Discover the best CBD flowers from the Mama Kana range to make your own infusions.   

Now that you know how to make an infusion, how about choosing the best CBD flowers? I'm particularly proud to offer only the highest quality flowers, with unrivalled flavours. All Mama Kana CBD flowers CBD flowers are grown in Switzerland and Italy in an entirely natural way, with no added products. In fact, you can choose between the flower varieties most popular with consumers: AmnesiaMoonrock CBD, Orange Bud, White Widow, Gorilla Glue and many more!

Find out more about CBD flowers: 

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