calm cbd cat

Why give your cat CBD?

CBD is a natural substance. If it's so effective in humans, why shouldn't it be so effective in cats? There are several possible explanations for CBD's action on cats. Let's find out together how CBD works and why you should give your cat CBD. Mama explains everything and contributes to the well-being of your four-legged friend. 

CBD and the endocannabinoid system in cats

CBD works so well because it interacts with the mammalian endocannabinoid system. This system has sensors scattered throughout the body. They are distributed in the brain to relieve the nervous system. They are also located near vital organs and joints.

These receptors are activated by contact with cannabinoids, helping to alleviate a wide range of problems. The endocannabinoid system regulates numerous functions related to the cat's well-being and general condition, including :

  • Mood;
  • Memory;
  • Appetite;
  • Sleep;
  • Immunity;
  • Inflammation, ;
  • Metabolism.

It also regulates hormone production due to stress, pleasure and relaxation. And it ensures stable vital constants: heart rate, sugar and fat levels... It helps maintain the body's homeostasis. This corresponds to the balance required for overall good health.

CBD could help your cat regain a state of general well-being.

The potential benefits of CBD for cats

CBD could have numerous benefits and have a positive impact on a cat's physical or psychological health. It could relieve pain, ease stress and anxiety, and improve sleep quality. But it could also help cats cope with the difficulties of aging, and combat the worsening of degenerative or chronic diseases.

Stress and anxiety management

Cats have a tendency to anxiety. This state can be triggered for a number of reasons, but for the most part, they are on their guard. It's also a survival instinct, even if they are now domesticated.

Stress in cats can be caused by noise, boredom, moving house and the consequent loss of bearings, or the arrival of a new companion. His behavior can change from one day to the next, and can quickly become an ordeal.

CBD can support the feline to lower stress levels and relax. This can be a good solution for regaining a state of general calm.

Relieving joint pain

Many cats suffer from osteoarthritis and joint pain. This is 20% of cats over 2 years of age and 90% of cats over 12. Even if the animal overcomes its discomfort and continues to walk or move around, it may still show signs of limping.

Sometimes, osteoarthritis leads to immobility and the cat may stop eating. This joint disease has no cure. Especially as it is degenerative, it can get worse.

It is possible to relieve a cat's arthritis with CBD. The hemp plant is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. It is also an excellent analgesic for reducing the intensity of pain.

Support for epileptic seizures 

There are two types of seizures: most cats are exposed to focal epileptic seizures. This means that the animal will show slight signs of contractures, hypersalivation or tremors. But the impact on the brain is just as serious.

Some cats have a genetic inheritance of epilepsy. For others, epilepsy may appear much later, due to an accident or trauma. As a general rule, lifelong treatment is prescribed by the vet.

CBD can be an excellent support for epilepsy. It will support nerve cells and may reduce the number or intensity of seizures.

Relieves signs of aging

Like all living beings that grow old, cats show signs of weakness and symptoms of old age. These include deafness, blindness, fatigue and pain.

These problems can have an impact on his daily life, as he loses his reflexes, eats less and no longer goes out. CBD is an antioxidant that helps preserve the body. In particular, it slows the onset of age-related discomforts.

And can play a role in vital functions such as appetite, reducing pain, preserving memory and supporting the cat's immune system. CBD is a good dietary supplement.

CBD for cats: good or bad idea?

As you can see, it's not just humans who can benefit from the virtues of CBD. All mammalian species with an endocannabinoid system can potentially benefit.

There are now enough studies and hindsight to investigate the benefits of CBD for cats. CBD products for pets are on the rise. And many veterinarians recommend CBD as part of their treatment approach.

Mama thinks CBD is a good idea for cats. You'll be able to find reviews from owners expressing their satisfaction and the effectiveness of CBD on their companion.

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