How do you give your pet CBD?

Comment donner du CBD à ton animal de compagnie ?

Perhaps you've already read one of my articles about administering CBD to your four-legged companions? If not, don't worry, we're going over some basics here and I'm going to explain how to give CBD to your pet.

CBD oil for dogs

CBD oil for cats

What animals can you give CBD to?

Before I tell you which animals can be given CBD, I'd like to explain how their bodies work and why they react to cannabidiol the way we humans do. Animals, like us, have an endocannabinoid system (ECS).

The latter already produces cannabinoids and reacts positively when stimulated. Still relatively unknown to the scientific community, we currently know that the SEC is made up of receptors, endocannabinoids and enzymes which, when activated, stimulate physical and psychological responses in all subjects equipped with this system.

But which animals actually have an ECS? We currently know that all animals with a spinal column also have an endocannabinoid system. In fact, mammals are the most receptive to cannabinoid administration. So you can give CBD to :

  • Dogs ;
  • Cats ;
  • Rabbits ;
  • Horses ;
  • Rodents ;
  • etc.

How do you dose the CBD you give your pet?

You now know that your companions can consume CBD, but administering the substance to them can be trickier than it seems. In fact, dosing CBD for your own personal consumption isn't at all complicated: you start with a trial dose and see how your body reacts, gradually increasing it if necessary. On the other hand, giving CBD to an animal is more complicated, as the animal cannot communicate its experience.

Naturally, the dosage of CBD for your pet will be progressive. You'll need to remain attentive to his reactions, and try to perceive whether or not the symptoms you were trying to correct are relieved. Rest assured, you cannot overdose your pet on CBD. As with humans, animals cannot overdose on this molecule. You won't be able to harm your pet by giving it too much CBD, but a few minor inconveniences may occur if you give it too much. Note also that there is no universal dosage for your pets, but there are a few recommendations based on their weight. I've put together a table to give you an idea of the dosage you should aim for:


Light dosage

Average dosage

Strong dosage

Animals from 1 to 5 kg

25 mg CBD

50 mg CBD

100 mg CBD

Animals from 5 to 20 kg

50 mg CBD

100 mg CBD

250 mg CBD

Animals from 20 to 45 kg

100 mg CBD

150 mg CBD

550 mg CBD

My little tips for giving CBD to your pet

Here, I share my tips for giving CBD to your pet. Based on my personal experience, I have already used CBD supplements on dogs and cats in particular.

The first piece of advice that I think is unavoidable is to start with a trial dose. Wouldn't you like to be given an unfamiliar product without knowing how you might react? Well, it's the same for your animals. Refer to the table above and start with the lowest dose, gradually increasing. You should also be aware that CBD takes several hours to become fully effective on subjects. In fact, it takes up to 3 hours for the animal to feel the full effects of CBD. So wait before increasing the dose or assessing the animal's condition.

It's not easy giving CBD to your pets, but I've got a few tips for you. Even if you can drop CBD oil directly into his mouth, it's not always easy. It will be easier to put CBD oil in his food, which you will offer in small quantities so that he ingests everything. Alternatively, ready-made treats containing CBD are available on the market. This alternative may be an option for the most recalcitrant subjects.

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