Legalization of Cannabis in Germany: A New Stage

Legalization of Cannabis in Germany: A New Stage

Hi Kana Family!

Have you heard about the new policy in Germany? This Monday, April 1, 2024, Germany is legalizing recreational cannabis! And it's going to have a huge impact in the country.

Why is Germany legalizing cannabis?

The decision was taken for a number of reasons. The German government wishes to combat the black market that thrives around cannabis. In addition, the state wishes to protect the population from the risks associated with consuming cannabis of dubious quality, potentially dangerous, or with unknown THC content. Thus, by legalizing, the government hopes to better control the quality and distribution of cannabis.

For whom does legalization apply?

Adults over the age of 18 and resident in Germany for at least six months! They can now be in possession of up to 25 grams of dried cannabis in public places. They are also entitled to grow up to three plants in their homes. However, it's important to note that the quantity at home is limited and must not exceed 50 grams.

However, there are restrictions for people aged between 18 and 21. They are allowed to have up to 30 grams per month, but the THC content must not exceed 10%. These limitations are intended to protect the health of young adults and encourage moderate consumption.

In addition, those wishing to stay in Germany "for study or tourism purposes will not be allowed to possess, grow or consume". This restriction is designed to maintain control over the legalization of cannabis and limit access to German residents only. If a person who does not live in Germany is found to be in possession of cannabis, they risk prosecution for illegal acquisition of drugs in Germany or illegal importation of cannabis into Germany. Offences punishable by fine and imprisonment.

It is important to note that the legalization of cannabis in Germany has no impact on legislation in France.

Limitations in the Public Space

There are also rules to observe. Cannabis consumption is strictly prohibited within a 100-meter radius of schools, crèches and playgrounds. Between 7 a.m. and 8 p.m. in pedestrian zones, consumption is also prohibited. It is also important to note that all forms of advertising for cannabis consumption, as well as sponsorship, are prohibited.

How to buy cannabis

As far as purchases are concerned, one of the major innovations planned is the creation of Cannabis Clubs. However, you'll have to wait another three months before you can legally buy cannabis in these "Cannabis Social Clubs". These clubs will have to obtain administrative authorization, be located more than 200 meters from a school or playground, and will be allowed to distribute a maximum of 25 grams per day and 50 grams per month per person.

What do the Germans think?

In Germany, opinions are divided on the reform. Some see it as a disaster, especially for young people. Others, however, support the reform as a means of combating addiction and the black market. The Minister of Health is planning an awareness-raising campaign to accompany legalization. However, the police are voicing concerns about the implementation of the new policy, while judges anticipate an additional workload in dealing with old cannabis cases. In addition, the opposition is considering repealing the law in the event of a change of government. To assess the impact, an analysis of the consequences of legalization will be carried out 18 months after it comes into force, with particular emphasis on prevention among young people.

The legalization of cannabis in Germany marks a turning point in drug policy. It aims to regulate consumption, protect public health and combat the black market. This reform opens new doors and a new vision of cannabis.
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