Boutique Charlot - Opening hours are changing!

Boutique Charlot - Opening hours are changing!

Hello Kana family! 👋

The Mama Kana Charlot boutique, located at 8 rue charlot in the 3rd arrondissement, has announced a change in its opening hours. This news is likely to impact the habits of regular customers, but it should also enable more people to discover the products offered by the boutique!

The store will now be open 7 days a week, from 10am to 3pm and from 4pm to 9pm.

Below you'll find all the information you need about Mama Kana CBD shops. Please do not hesitate to contact us by phone for any further information.

Paris 03e Arrondissement Shop in Puteaux
Address 8, rue Charlot, 75003, Paris Address 33, rue Parmentier, 92800, Puteaux
Opening hours 10am - 3pm
4pm - 9pm
Opening hours 10am - 8pm
Phone 09 85 00 03 38 Phone 09 85 00 03 37


See you soon!

Mama Kana

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