Collection: Hemp Seeds CBD Oils

Mama Kana explains all the qualities of its cold-pressed CBD oil. Discover this method of extractingCBD oil oil so you can benefit from a product that meets your needs!

The hemp seed cold extraction technique


To produce an oil, we speak of extraction or cold pressing. or cold-pressing. At Mama Kana, CBD is extracted from the flower naturally by a process known as supercritical CO2. This method all the active ingredients present in hemp CBD. These are also known as cannabinoids.

This process will generate CBD oil and its formula: Full Spectrum Broad Spectrum or Isolate. But to elaborate the different concentrations of CBD oil (5, 10, 15%...), it must be combined with a carrier oil.

So Mama Kana chose an organic, French cold-pressed hemp seed oil. hemp seed oil . It's a totally natural, ancestral method natural method. The hemp seeds are compressed under high pressure once.

The oleaginous material obtained contains all the active and nutritious nutrients. Hemp oil is extra-virgin, and has not been chemical treatment or refining.

The importance of carrier oils

The body absorbs them in two ways: soluble, which dissolves in water dissolves in water and liposoluble in fat. This is how the body assimilates ingredients and all the substances we consume (medicines and sugar, for example, are soluble).

CBD is a fat-soluble substance. absorbed by the organs, manufacturers combine it with a carrier oil. carrier oil.

Carrier oil ensures better absorption of CBD by the body . The advantage with fat-soluble substances lies in the route of circulation. Fats will reach the bloodstream more quickly and therefore promote rapid efficacy.

Unlike ingested foods and substances, which have to undergo the to be absorbed by the intestine. Fats, of which CBD oil will be able to act more quickly.

Benefits and advantages of CBD oil with cold-pressed cold-pressed hemp seeds

The cold extraction method for hemp seeds produces an oleaginous concentrate an oleaginous concentrate with powerful benefits. It's all good in hemp! This plant has been used for thousands of years for a multitude of benefits found at different points in its composition.

For example, the flowers have the concentration needed to deliver deliver CBD to treat ailments. As for the seeds and leaves, deliver a range of phytotherapeutic properties that nutrients.

These nutrients are essential for the body to function properly. Everyone should supplement their diet to avoid deficiencies. and avoid deficiencies. Our current diet is drastically lacking in certain nutrients important nutrients for the body's health.

The benefits of cold-pressed CBD oil extracted from the seeds include a role in reducing bad cholesterol. It contains the ideal ratio ratio of omega 3 and 6 to help manage the concentration of fats the body.

Cold-pressed hemp oil is rich in vitamin E . It is a powerful antioxidant that protects cells from damage. It helps maintain a healthy immune system and limits the onset of chronic diseases the onset of chronic diseases, heart disease and cancer.

So the CBD oil oil and cold-pressed hemp oil, it's possible to to take full advantage of hemp's virtues, from seed to flower .

Through our French production, we have chosen to produce a product the most natural product possible. So the price of Mama Kana's cold-pressed Mama Kana cold-pressed CBD oil affordable for a guaranteed organic and local product.

How to use our cold-pressed CBD oil CBD oil?

Cold-pressed CBD oil could have benefits that are adaptable to a large majority of problems. Your choice of CBD oil will depend, first and foremost, on the intensity of your ailments.

The concentration of CBD ranges from 5 to 30%, making it suitable for all problems. problems. For mild concerns, you can opt for a low-concentration oil. concentration. And increase the number of daily drops according to your you feel.

It is always advisableto start with small doses andincrease andincrease CBD levelsas you go along. For more more intense problems such as lack of sleep, intense stress anxiety attacks, you can choose a 20% CBD oil. And for those insomnia, intense pain and other serious illnesses, the 30% oil may be ideal.

Be sure to consult a physician before consuming CBD, especially for those on medication. The daily dosage depends on your weight and the concentration of CBD concentration in the bottle.

CBD oil is mainly consumed sublingually, a few drops under the tongue. under the tongue. But it can also be used in cooking or cutaneously. cutaneous. Application to the skin is perfect for headaches or stomach aches .

Combined with cold-pressed carrier oil, skin absorption is is effective. You can supplement with a sublingual drop. Our cold-pressed hemp seed oil is available with different cannabidiol contents:

Choose Mama Kana cold-pressed CBD oil, is an obvious choice

Mama Kana CBD Oil

Mama Kana prioritizes the quality of CBD oil. She wants to offer the to its loyal consumers. That's why our that's why we're so demanding. We offer CBD oil combined with hemp seed oil cold-pressed hemp seed oil. Visit cultivation is organic and local .

And manufacturing is exclusively French, based in Brittany . The price of cold-pressed CBD oil is largely affordable. It allows you to take care of yourself at a low price, without neglecting quality.

Our CBD shopping site Mama Kana offers only natural products from a responsible production model production model .

Our principle of double ordering and numerous promotions CBD made in Ireland.

Enjoy the benefits of cold-pressed hemp oil without neglecting the quality of your product. And preserve your well-being with the expertise of Mama Kana.

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