Collection: Full Spectrum CBD oils

L'CBD oil Full Spectrum has unsuspected powers. Mama Kana has selected this unique formula to give you all the intensity of CBD. And enjoy its powerful entourage effect.

What is CBD Full Spectrum?


There are several CBD oil formulas: Full Spectrum, Broad Spectrum and Isolat. Each of these will be established at the time of extraction. This notification depends solely on the molecular treatment obtained at the end of the extraction process.

All of CBD's benefits and potency come solely from from the synergy between all the molecules that make up CBD hemp flower . This phenomenon is called the entourage effect.

For CBD to be fully assimilated by the body, each molecule plays its part. That's why Mama Kana has chosen to preserve all cannabinoids, including THC. cannabinoids, including THC.

In Broad Spectrum oils, only the THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is removed during the distillation process. distillation process. This formula enables THC-sensitive people to enjoy the full benefits of CBD. enjoy the full benefits of CBD.

Isolates are composed exclusively of CBD. All molecular molecular agents have been excluded. the most potent formula, allowing CBD to act completely in the body.

Full Spectrum or Broad Spectrum CBD oil? Consider the entourage effect

Full Spectrum CBD Oil retains all the agents that correspond to the physiological physiological functioning of CBD (popularization of cannabis CBD). Not only is it composed of CBD but also CBN, CBG, CBC and THC.

Cannabinoids are a family of molecules that activate the cannabinoid cannabinoid receptors present in the human body. As a result, each molecular family interacts with each other to deliver optimum on the body. This is known as the entourage effect.

In a Full Spectrum oil, we find the famous THC molecule, which determines whether a CBD product is legal or not. A small amount of Tetrahydrocannabidiol preserves the CBD molecule. effect effect of the oil. This is why all CBD can contain up to 0.3% THC.

Other CBD oils are THC-free. These are Broad Spectrum oils. They enable you positive benefits, but will be lighter.

Why buy full spectrum CBD oil? The benefits

Full Spectrum CBD oil has greater capacity for action on the body. the body. The presence of all the molecules means it can act effectively a wide range of ailments.

In this way, you will be able to alleviate your problems effectively. And benefit froma Full Spectrum CBD oil produced in France byMama Kana.

Full Spectrum is clearly identified by specialists as the most most effective formula. The THC present in minute quantities in the bottle does not cause addiction or psychotic effects. This level has been solely to ensure a high level of potency. assimilation of the oil by the body. .

All these compounds stimulate the endocannabinoid system present in the body. system. It ensures the proper functioning of all the factors that contribute to well-being such as :

  • - Pain management and inflammation reduction.
  • - Regulation of stress levels and heart rate.
  • - Improving sleep and the ability to fall asleep.
  • - Digestive support through relief of disorders and diabetic balance.
  • - Improves skin inflammation and appearance.

The list of benefits resulting from the union between the CBD oil oil and the SEC (endocannabinoid system). Numerous research is ongoing.

The most important thing to remember is that CBD, and in particular full-spectrum CBD ensures the body's homeostasis, also known as bodily balance.

How to use our full spectrum CBD oil spectrum oil?

Mama Kana wants to offer you the best Full Spectrum CBD oil. It to look after your well-being. This is why CBD oil can be taken as a dietary supplement for daily for daily support.

In addition to the benefits of full-spectrum CBD oil, the type of oil used in the bottle has been meticulously chosen. It's an oilseed oil derived from hemp seed, grown and pressed in France. It has a good ratio of Omega 3 and 6, as well as a high level of of vitamin E.

The choice of CBD concentration (5,10,15%...) varies according to your needs your needs and the intensity of your problems. You need to find balance between the right concentration of CBD oil and the desired effects. What's more, you can start with small doses and increase as needed.

CBD acts differently on different people. This will depend on several aspects such as physique (weight, height, sex, etc.), metabolism and whether taking medication. In addition habits could lead to a higher tolerance to CBD.

The recommended daily dose is around 50 mg of CBD. A simple calculation between weight and percentage of CBD of CBD to obtain the rate in milligrams and therefore the number of drops.

L'oil CBD oil is best taken sublingually (under the tongue) to rapidly reap its benefits. In case of doubt, Mama Kana advises you to consult a doctor. Discover all our our full-spectrum CBD oils by cannabidiol content cannabidiol :

Choose Mama Kana's full spectrum CBD oil, is an obvious choice

Mama Kana CBD Oil

The values of the CBD boutique Mama Kana are based on the quality of local and organic products. We are committed to offer a range of Full Spectrum CBD oils produced in France . This guarantees precise, meticulous monitoring of the manufacturing process.

Our oil is available in a range of concentrations to ensure of the best Full Spectrum CBD oil. Mama Kana works with local producers and French laboratories to develop the CBD business in France.

Our experts are available to answer all your questions. So that you can choose the CBD oil that best suits your needs.

Mama Kana has an engaged and satisfied community for its CBD PRODUCTS. You can test our catalog right now and take advantage of our discovery packs. We also organize flash sales throughout the year. throughout the year. To enable you to benefit from French quality at low prices .

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