water-soluble cbd

Is CBD water-soluble?

CBD is known as a fat-soluble molecule, so it dissolves in fat. It is therefore not water-soluble, but a little novelty has arrived on the CBD market. The production of water-soluble CBD oil. Mama tells you all about water-soluble and fat-soluble CBD. Let's solve the mystery together.

CBD is naturally fat-soluble

CBD is naturally liposoluble, meaning it dissolves only in fat or oil. This characteristic plays an essential role in the way the CBD molecule interacts with the body. Indeed, for CBD to be properly absorbed by the body, it must be accompanied by a fatty agent.

When mixed with fat, CBD's active ingredients (cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids) are able to cross cell membranes and the bloodstream, and then act effectively on the body. Otherwise, CBD won't work as it should. You also run the risk of not experiencing any benefits.

Combining CBD with fat produces the entourage effect. In other words, the interaction between the body and all the cannabinoids present in CBD. Much of the human body works in this way.

What's more, combining CBD with a fatty substance boosts the molecule's bioavailability. This corresponds to CBD's capacity and speed of absorption into the body. For example, CBD oil taken sublingually will be more bioavailable than herbal flower tea.

Not least because cannabinoids are already mixed with a lipid. But also because they reach the bloodstream directly via the oral mucosa.

The benefits of making CBD water-soluble

Since the body is 70% water, a water-soluble CBD would be an adequate solution in terms of efficacy and bioavailability. This means it would be more effective than fat-soluble CBD. Thanks to the extensive research into therapeutic cannabis and CBD, this new discovery hits the nail on the head.

According to studies carried out in March 2020, the bioavailability of water-soluble CBD could approach 90% absorption, i.e. 4 to 5 times more than traditional CBD.

Water-soluble or aquasoluble CBD dissolves in water. This solution could make it easier to use. The addition of fat will no longer be necessary.

Mama advises you to choose a broad-spectrum CBD for even greater effectiveness. Selection criteria may differ from store to shop. But it's best to choose a natural product.

Choose a water-soluble oil made from organic, non-GMO hemp. And a natural extraction method such as supercritical CO2. Water-soluble CBD oil offers excellent value for money. Thanks to its potency and bioavailability, you need to take less than traditional CBD oil. As a result, the bottle will last longer.

Another advantage is that it has no taste. For those who don't appreciate the herbaceous taste of hemp, water-soluble CBD oil has no smell, no taste.

Innovation in the production of water-soluble CBD oil

Water-soluble or aquasoluble CBD dissolves in water. This is the result of extensive research into the benefits of phytocannabinoids and theenhancement of the consumer experience.

For CBD to be fat-soluble, a small transformation is required. This involves a patented method that has been used in engineering and medicine for many years. Microencapsulation. This involves forming small, soluble capsules around the CBD molecule.

These small hydrophilic spheres called "micelles " enable the oily substance cannabidiol to penetrate the body without being damaged by your digestive system. This means better absorption and faster efficacy.

The mode of intake remains the same, by ingestion, except that this technique allows CBD to act more quickly without going through the sometimes time-consuming process of digestion.

Water-solubleCBD oil can be taken in a glass of water with a few drops of lemon, or in fruit juice. You can also add a few drops to a hot drink, such as tea or coffee. Do not exceed a temperature of 85°, as this could alter the properties of soluble CBD.

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