Can CBD consumption be dangerous or cause side effects?

Can CBD consumption be dangerous or cause side effects?

Controversial, criticized by many, misunderstood by some or even dubious, CBD is a substance that is the talk of the town. As a result, questions surrounding the substance are numerous and recurrent, particularly concerning the health of users. So, is CBD consumption dangerous? Does it cause side effects? I'll tell you all about it here.

Is CBD a psychotropic drug?

Preconceived notion and lack of information available to the general public, you too may believe that CBD is a psychotropic drug, but it isn't! In fact, cannabis and all other hemp-based products contain just one psychoactive molecule, Tetrahydrocannabinol, also known by the acronym THC.

Cannabidiol is not a psychotropic and interacts with the body without altering the senses and reactions of the consumer. On the contrary, CBD is said to have a relaxing and soothing effect, without generating the "high" that THC does.

Is CBD toxic?

Among the long list of other misconceptions about CBD, one is that it's toxic. Do you know the definition of toxic? We'll tell you: a substance is considered toxic if it has a harmful effect on the body. Yet, once again, this is not the case with CBD, and this preconception is probably due to a lack of information.

Cannabidiol is absolutely not considered a toxic substance, and it's impossible to overdose on it. So, despite some mild side effects, which we'll mention below, CBD is not toxic.

What are the side effects of CBD consumption?

To date, after several studies, no side effects have been attributed to CBD consumption. Officially, therefore, CBD has no side effects, although a minority of users have experienced mild discomfort after taking the molecule. Nothing serious or disabling, however.

Among the few notable inconveniences reported were a feeling of increased fatigue, and even mild headaches. Other consumers reported intestinal discomfort. Finally, some complained of a dry mouth and more intense thirst than usual. Nothing to worry about, is it?

Conclusion: is CBD harmful to health?

Although numerous scientific studies both in laboratories and on volunteers are underway, we can now venture to say that CBD is not harmful to health. Moreover, this information is also relayed by the World Health Organization, which pronounced on the substance in 2017. So, today, any adverse effects from CBD consumption have been ruled out.

Since it is neither a narcotic nor habit-forming, nor does it have any disabling side effects, CBD is not harmful to health. Cannabidiol is even recognized as a promising substance for relieving many ailments and even treating illnesses, including some very serious conditions.

In France, there are no official reports clearly stating that CBD is not harmful, but none to the contrary either. In fact, the molecule has been totally legal to possess and consume since 2017.

To purchase CBD products, visit our store here.

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