cbd pets

Why can we give CBD to our pets?

Has the idea of slipping a few drops ofCBD oil into your dog's or cat's bowl ever crossed your mind? Well, it's not as silly an idea as you might think! CBD may even have benefits for our companions. Why should we give CBD to our pets? Let me explain today.

CBD can have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect on animals

Firstly, it's important to point out that dogs and cats - like all mammals, in fact - have an endocannabinoid system, just like human beings. Mammals are therefore receptive to all the benefits of CBD, just as humans are. 

Occasional injury, recovery from surgery, internal or external lesion? Our pets are just as prone to temporary or chronic pain and inflammation as we are. However, it's more difficult to know their pain threshold and when to help them.

CBD supplementation can have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect on the animal. Cannabidiol is prized for its pain-relieving benefits. In particular, for animals suffering from chronic pain such as osteoarthritis, CBD relieves inflammation and promotes joint mobility. CBD is also said to be effective in relieving muscular pain in animals, helping them to relax. It helps to relax their muscles.

CBD can also be given to animals following veterinary surgery. CBD can be used as a complement to a conventional analgesic, or even as a substitute on the advice of a veterinarian. 

Discover here our CBD oil for dogs !

CBD could relieve stress in animals

Just like us humans, our four-legged companions are sensitive to their environment and the changes around them. As prone to stress and anxiety as we are, we can sometimes miss the warning signs.

Just because they don't express it in words doesn't mean that pets don't suffer the damage caused by aggression in their environment: moving house, an operation or visit to the vet, an intruding presence in the home, etc. These are all causes that can give rise to stress or anxiety in our companions. These are all causes of stress and anxiety in our companions.

The animal's stress and anxiety naturally manifest themselves differently from our own, with excessive barking, abnormal aggression, droppings in inappropriate places, whining and even running away.

In this case,buying CBD could be a natural alternative that would enable the animal to regain a deeper state of serenity. Indeed, cannabidiol consumption impacts the release of corticosterone, a hormone directly linked to memory - and therefore to the state of remembered fear.

What's more, CBD may help limit heart rate irregularities caused by anxiety. So, in addition to providing physical relief from ailments that can be a source of additional stress, CBD acts directly on stress symptoms in animals.

Discover our CBD oil for cats !

CBD can help animals' digestion

As I mentioned earlier, mammals have an endocannabinoid system, with many receptors located in the animals' digestive systems.

In addition to this, as I explained earlier in this article, our pets are also subject to pain and periods of stress and anxiety, which can also give rise to digestive problems and even a general lack of appetite. So, working on the underlying causes of digestive problems can indirectly help to resolve this inconvenience.

Alternatively, in a more direct way, taking CBD can help animals' digestion. Indeed, CBD oil designed for animals contains enzymes that help reboot the endocannabinoid system that stimulates digestion by default.

It should also be remembered that cannabidiol reaches the hypothalamus upon ingestion, whose function is involved in triggering the motivational and cerebral aspects of eating. CBD is also antiemetic, which reduces nausea in animals, as demonstrated in a 2012 study confirming that CBD attacks the receptors that directly eliminate the sensation of nausea.

Finally, CBD for animals could also help with constipation or diarrhoea by restoring intestinal mobility.

CBD would therefore improve the well-being of animals too!

As we've just discovered, CBD improves the well-being of animals and humans alike. The benefits of cannabidiol supplementation are numerous, and can be applied in a variety of ways: as an anti-pain, anti-inflammatory, stress and anxiety reliever, appetite and digestive system stimulant, and so on, because supplementation in animals, as in humans, is still under study by the scientific community.

Of course, choosing CBD for your pet is something that should be carefully considered, and even discussed with a veterinarian if your pet has any particular health concerns. Likewise, if your companion is already on medication, please check with your vet whether taking CBD can be considered.

While the side effects of taking CBD are minimal and very rare, animals may experience increased fatigue, a tenfold increase in appetite and a higher-than-normal demand for hydration.

Remember, however, that CBD cannot be overdosed, even in animals, but for their well-being, I advise you to gradually adjust the dosage of CBD administered.

Quantities depend on the breed and size of the animal, but a 2.5% oil dose is suggested for animals weighing less than 10 kg, and a 5% oil dose for those over 10 kg, taken several times a day.

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