3 easy-to-make CBD tea recipes at home

3 easy-to-make CBD tea recipes at home

CBD flower is easy to infuse and makes for a relaxing drink. When brewed, it provides numerous benefits for sleep, relaxation and stress reduction. Mama gives you 3 easy CBD tea recipes to vary the pleasures and relax naturally.

The classic recipe for CBD flower tea

CBD flower can be consumed as a breakfast drink. Tea contains theine, which, like caffeine, wakes up the body. The substance is less aggressive and deploys its energizing virtues throughout the morning.

Theine is more or less powerful depending on the tea: black or green. Mama recommends green tea for prolonged relaxation, accompanied by CBD flower. Green tea is antioxidant and milder. It's also good for the digestive system. It's best to use blends of organic green teas .

In a 300 ml cup, infuse 100 mg of tea with 0.2 grams of CBD flower. Use water between 70 and 80 degrees, so as not to affect the plants if the water is too hot. Infuse the CBD first, as it takes longer (10 min). Then, after 6-7 min, add the tea of your choice. Leave to infuse for a further 3 minutes.

For the cannabinoids to unfold, you need to add a fatty substance. You can choose a vegetable oil: hemp, olive or coconut. You can also make lattés and add a few drops of milk to the tea.

Making CBD iced tea for summer

Iced tea is a must-have summer drink. It can be sweetened to suit your preferences, and can replace sodas that are sometimes too rich in carbohydrates. What's more, it's a drink that can easily be stored for several days in the fridge.

As above, you can use either green or black tea. The recipe will be slightly different, but you don't have to follow the instructions to the letter. You can be creative and enjoy an original CBD drink.  

Iced tea is a light beverage that you can drink throughout the day to enjoy the benefits of CBD: soothing, de-stressing, pain-relieving...

Green tea goes very well with notes of mint, lime or lemon, ginger and red fruit.

You'll need :

  • 10g green tea
  • 1g CBD flower
  • Fresh mint (as much as you like)
  • 1 lime
  • 2 tablespoons agave syrup
  • 2 tablespoons fat (coconut oil, for example)

In a saucepan, bring 1.2 liters of water to the boil and add the crumbled CBD, tea, syrup, fat and mint. Leave to infuse for around 20 minutes, then place in the fridge with the lemon. Drink chilled on the rocks.

Making CBD tea for better sleep

CBD is recognized for its relaxing properties to help you sleep better. It is therefore possible to make a CBD tea for better sleep and a moment of well-being before going to bed.

CBD tea is prepared in the same way as the recipes above, but this time you can choose to prepare an infusion. This means you don't have to use tea for the evening. But it is possible to incorporate herbs that are perfectly suited to sleep.

For example, you can use chamomile flower, passionflower, lemon balm, verbena or lime blossom. All these plants are conducive to restful sleep.

In a 300 ml cup, infuse 0.2 g of CBD and 5 to 6 chamomile flowers or other recommended plants. Don't forget the oily touch to get the full benefit of the cannabinoids. You can also add a pint of sugar or honey.

The infusion is gentler and allows you to take full advantage of the benefits of the plants before going to sleep. You'll also be able to spend a quiet moment, away from the screens, while sipping your drink. We strongly advise you to stop stimulating your brain with digital devices at least half an hour before going to bed.

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