cbd animal hazard

Is CBD dangerous for animals? Some precautions to take

If you've been here before, you may have already read that you can give CBD to your pets. We now know that the molecule brings potential benefits to our companions, but is CBD dangerous for animals? I'll answer that question right away, and share my tips for administering CBD safely to your pets.

Is CBD harmful to your pet? No !

So, while studies on the potential benefits of CBD on animals are still being carried out, we now know for certain that cannabidiol is not harmful to any animal. In fact, it's important to understand that mammals have an endocannabinoid system (ECS) just like humans. This enables them to react positively to cannabidiol supplementation. Endocannabinoid receptors are activated, triggering positive physical and mental reactions.

Similarly, just as humans can't overdose on CBD, neither can mammals. So the worst that can happen to your pet if you give it CBD is to feel nothing at all - and this will probably be the case if you don't dose the product properly. Administering CBD to a pet is therefore safe, even if some discomfort may be felt.

Side effects of CBD on animals?

CBD has not been shown to be dangerous for pets, but it has been shown to cause side effects in some subjects. So, nothing to be alarmed about, but it's important for me to tell you about them. You should also know that the side effects of CBD on humans are minimal and very rare, but that there are a few that are similar to those that animals can experience.

If you've given your pet too much CBD, you'll notice that it may lack energy and drive. He may sleep more than usual, as if he were ill. In more extreme cases, the animal may have difficulty moving.

As CBD also has aneffect on the appetite and digestive system, it may provoke cravings or a feeling of increased hunger in the animal, or on the contrary, a total lack of appetite. Similarly, cannabidiol can cause episodes of diarrhea and/or vomiting. Lastly, CBD is sometimes found to cause dry mouth, resulting in increased thirst.

Of course, these side effects are relatively minor, but they can be dangerous for an animal. So keep a close eye on your pet's reactions.

Tips for the safe use of CBD on animals

Even if technically there's no risk in administering CBD to animals, I'll give you a few tips to make their experience more pleasant. Knowing how to safely use CBD on animals will also help you feel more at ease at first.

Mama therefore recommends that you always start with a trial dose. CBD dosage always depends on the animal's size and the desired effects. To avoid overloading the animal's system and to see how it reacts, I suggest you start with a dose of 3 drops at 5%.

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CBD oil for cats

And don't forget that CBD takes time to be absorbed and assimilated by the animal's body. Wait about 3 hours before giving the product to your pet again. Finally, especially during the first supplements, stay close to your pet and monitor its reactions. I also suggest that you use the product for the first time in an environment that is familiar to your pet, so as not to cause too many changes all at once. Don't forget to provide him with plenty of water, as CBD can make him more thirsty.

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