
New features in the loyalty program

Hello to all Mama Kana loyalists! We're delighted to announce that our loyalty program has been revamped to better meet your needs. With the introduction of the all-new Mama Pass, you now benefit from the possibility of doubling all your orders. This exceptional offer is accompanied by a recent price reduction on all our products, offering even more attractive benefits to our valued community.

Don't worry, this update in no way compromises the rewards you've accumulated to date. On the contrary, you now have a second chance to win the prizes for the ranks you've reached, which means double the benefits for you!

At Mama Kana, we're committed to providing our members with an exceptional loyalty experience, and this evolution of our program is further proof of our commitment to you. Stay tuned for more surprises to come, and continue to enjoy the many benefits Mama Kana has to offer. Thank you for your trust and loyalty


Discover the changes that will make your experience even more profitable:

Points system :

In this respect, nothing has changed. You earn points by spending euros (1 euro = 1 point) and completing bonus missions, such as visiting the site (1 point) or liking our Instagram page (50 points).


Row 2, "The illegitimate child", becomes "The little cousin", while row 3 becomes "The little family darling".

Rank awards :

Ranks are unlocked according to the number of points accumulated. The rewards for ranks 4, 5 and 6 have been improved: instead of discount coupons, Mama offers a copy of the Mama Pass, a monthly one for rank 4, a quarterly one for rank 5 and an annual one for rank 6!


Here's a summary of the new benefits.

New rank 1 "Family friend: 200 points = 5 euros free.
New rank 2 "The little cousin": 600 points = 10 euros free.
New rank 3 "Le chouchou de Mama": 1500 points = €25 discount + 5% discount for life.
New rank 4 "Tata la calcine": 3000 points = 10% discount for life + free monthly Mama Pass.
New rank 5 "Le parrain Kana": 5000 points = 20% discount for life + free quarterly Pass de Mama + personal advisor
New rank 6 "Mamie Kana": 10,000 points = 30% discount for life + free annual Mama Pass + personal advisor

These changes will make your experience with the Mama Kana loyalty program even more rewarding. Take advantage now!


I've dropped in rank, is this normal?

Yes, it's perfectly normal! People whose rank has been reduced as a result of the loyalty program update will once again have access to the rewards corresponding to their former rank.

What are the major changes to the loyalty program?

More points are needed to move up to the next rank, but rewards are improved from rank 4 upwards.
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