Collection: CBD for pets

Using CBD for a pet can be a great solution for your companion. Mama has created a range of products for pets and here are all the directions for giving CBD to your pet.

Give your pets Mama Kana CBD

And yes, giving your pet CBD can help in certain situations. If CBD is effective for humans, it may well be so for our four-legged for our four-legged companions too. Cats and dogs are also mammals and possess an endocannabinoid system.

This means that their bodies possess endocannabinoid receptors capable of assimilating cannabidiol (CBD). However, there are a number of important important to consider before giving CBD to your pet.

Mama has developed formulas adapted to pets so they too can enjoy the benefits of hemp. Many many specialists are looking into the matter, and it's not uncommon see a veterinarian offering CBD for pets.

Convinced of the potential benefits of CBD for humans, Mama Kana decided to make it available to your dog or cat.

CBD oils for pets in two flavors

Buying CBD for animals must be supervised and adapted to the needs of needs of canines and felines. So Mama came up with a recipe specially designed with gourmet flavors: beef for dogs and salmon for cats. and salmon for cats. We tell you all about CBD oils oils for pets.

THC-free, natural CBD oils for pets natural

It is very important that an oil intended for animals does not contain THC. For the simple reason that they are hypersensitive to it. It It's also important to have an oil that's as natural as possible, with organic CBD and a healthy carrier oil. Mama has chosen MCT oil made from coconut oil.

Why give your pets CBD? pets?

cbd sheet

Animals are sensitive to stress and present many of the same similar to those of humans. They can suffer from hair loss, itching, anxiety, malnutrition...

So CBD oil could come support nervous system functions to soothe your companion. CBD is known for its relaxing and provides a feeling of relaxation without euphoria. This can be temporary when moving house or bringing a the arrival of a new pet at home. Or permanent as a solution for chronic stress.

What's more, CBD can help relieve pain, as it has anti-inflammatory properties. It will also support immune immune functions to help your pet in pain. L' CBD oil oil can also help reduce itching sensations and skin disorders.

Simply put, CBD works in all areas, because the body has endocannabinoid receptors everywhere. It regulates a feeling of general well-being and promotes homeostasis.

It is a process of natural regulation of various body constants: temperature body constants: temperature, hunger, blood pressure, heart rate... heart rate... So CBD could help your pet to feel better every day.

How to use our CBD on your pet your pet?

The use of CBD oil for animals requires a cautious and thoughtful approach. approach. Choose the right dosage of CBD for animals and the right concentration. Mama offers two different rates 5% and 10%, depending on the animal's size, weight and the nature of its the nature of its problems.

For mild disorders such as stress or anxiety, a light CBD oil may be preferred. oil may be preferred, while for more severe problems such as chronic pain such as chronic pain, a higher concentration may be recommended.

Start with small doses and increase as needed. if necessary. It's a good idea to observe your pet's behavior reaction to CBD. We recommend that you strictly adhere to the recommended dosage and consult a veterinarian for follow-up.

Owners usually put the oil drops directly into the animal's food in the animal's food or in its mouth. With its appealing attractive flavours, your pet should have no trouble taking the CBD OIL.

Although CBD has few serious side effects in animals continuous monitoring is necessary, as excessive use could lead could lead to kidney, heart or liver complications. Despite this, early feedback on the use of CBD in animals is are encouraging.

Click here to read our article on how to give CBD to your pet .

Choosing our CBD oils for animals is an obvious obvious

animals cbd Mama Kana

Mama oils are specially formulated for animals. We strongly not recommended to use an oil intended for humans on your companion. companion. Be sure to choose an oil specially designed for our four-legged companions paws like Mama's.

In addition, Mama has developed an organic CBD oil for animals. This ensures a healthy product that's good for your pet's well-being. With flowers freshly grown in Europe and a natural extraction process.

78% of dog owners say that using CBD could alleviate their dog's symptoms. Mama offers inexpensive CBD oils for pets to help you care for your pet. your pet.

Mama Kana is a well-known brand in the cheap CBD for pets. Many consumers praise the quality and effectiveness. Mama wants to make CBD accessible to all, with low prices and attractive offers.